The course aims to enable students to
- be able to apply algorithmic thinking methodology to solve problems.
- master the Python programming language and object-oriented programming.
- gain practice in program development in Python through a significant amount of classroom and homework.
- recognize problems that can be algorithmised and be able to implement them in Python
Learning outcomes and competences: the student will
- Be familiar with the elements of the Python programming language and apply them in practice for program development.
- Be able to formulate problems algorithmically and to implement algorithms efficiently in Python.
- Strives to develop problem-solving skills,
- work in an environmentally aware way, prefer electronic data storage and management methods, develop independent learning skills;
Autonomy and responsibility:
- Continuously develops his/her skills in the field of programming and self-monitoring.
Course content and topics
- Steps to develop a program in Python. Types of errors, syntactic and semantic errors and how to avoid them.
- Python program structure, structured programming.
- Data and variables. Data types. Instructions, loops.
- Functions. Files.
- Data structures: strings, lists, dictionaries.
- Classes, objects, inheritance.
- Exception handling.
- Oktató: Ecsedi Kornél